Tuesday, March 18, 2014

3/18 by Phil Van Horn

There’s a trend on our campus.  We follow and are blessed.

We follow the familiar routine to Sunday sermons, for sure.  But we also follow the growing group on Wednesday evening for dinner, family time and classroom learning opportunities.

And we are following our curiosity to groups about Missions and Music, or Be Still for women Saturday morning and Men’s Ministry Wednesday morning.

Even the leaders of these groups at one point followed an urging or interest to contribute. 

So, what common interests do you have?  Where can you follow, support and step out in faith?

Pastor Andy Wilson is good at helping answering that question.  (Lee and Ashley have done the same and impacted our increasingly active LCPC family.) 

“Be patient,” Pastor Andy told me.  “Get involved.  Don’t rush.  Pray about it.  Take your time.  Find a group that interests you.”

Immediately I followed Andy’s advice.  At least, the part about, ”take your time”.  I was cautious at best, and lazy at worst.  It was a mistake.

Oddly, the more I began to follow the lines of people in the breezeway on Sundays to buy chili to support Mission trips, the more I wanted to learn about my fiends who went to Mexico, Arizona and the Dominican.

The more I began to hang out at the donuts and cookie table between Sunday sermons, the more I wanted to know how supporting our church groups impacted others.

In the midst of that, I got hooked.  I followed and gave time.  Then I inched toward leading and received the blessing that comes from giving. 

Our LCPC family can have that impact.  How about you?  How can you give and then receive?  Where can you follow and perhaps eventually lead?

Find a group that interests you.  Pray about it.  Get involved.

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